Production Resource Group, L.L.C. (“PRG”) agrees to provide equipment (the “设备”) and services, 如果有任何, (“服务”)根据本协议条款提供给客户(“客户”). PRG includes all brands and all locations in the USA. 任何工作范围, 报价, 报价, 建议, Invoice or similar document issued by PRG (each a “SOW”), where work is performed under such document, is deemed accepted by Client and incorporated herein. 除非在SOW中作为每个事件协议特别处理, this agreement is effective for one year from the date of execution, and will renew for additional one-year 条款, unless specifically addressed in the SOW, or terminated by either party in writing.


1. “租期”自设备离开PRG仓库之日起开始,至设备在PRG指定地点归还给PRG之日止. 设备和服务费用(如适用)在SOW中列出. A security deposit on the 设备 may be required by PRG. In the event Client enters a PRG’s worksite to prep, pack or pick up 设备, Client agrees to follow all PRG safety and health protocols, 待提供.


2. PRG保证所有设备在离开其保管时都处于良好的工作状态. 客户应负责检查设备,并在发现设备丢失或工作状态不佳时立即通知PRG. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET OUT HEREIN, PRG对设备不作任何保证或陈述, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, 网赌最好最大平台适销性或适用性或防止侵权干扰的默示保证或任何其他未明确书面同意的保证.


3. 如果设备发生完全由PRG引起的故障或失败,PRG对客户的唯一义务和责任是修理设备或向客户提供相同或类似的设备.


4. 除非PRG在SOW中明确假定为服务的一部分, Client is responsible for the 设备 for the entire Rental Term. 客户承担设备使用和操作中的所有风险,并有责任提供安全装置和设备以保护设备用户,并遵守所有联邦法规, state and local laws or regulations, and all industry standards. 客户同意其不会移除或永久覆盖PRG在设备上显示所有权的标签或铭牌. 客户不得对设备进行任何更改或增加,也不得拆卸设备,除非是更换消耗品所必需的.


5. 设备必须保留在SOW中规定的场地,未经PRG事先明确书面批准,不得转让. PRG或其代理人在任何合理时间进入设备存放场所以评估设备状况均属合法.


6. 本协议 is not a sale. Client shall not have or at any time acquire any right to possession, including possession through use, 损失, damage or failure to return the 设备. Title to the 设备 shall at all times be in PRG. 客户同意不质押、抵押或以任何其他方式使设备成为产权负担.


7. 客户应向PRG偿还任何维修费用(包括运费), 由于设备在租赁期内发生的任何损坏而需要的人力和零部件), in the judgment of PRG, is due to ordinary usage or PRG’s 行动). If any or all 设备 is damaged beyond repair, or lost or stolen during the Rental Term, 客户同意向PRG偿还设备的全部重置价值(不扣除折旧)。. 客户还同意承担丢失或损坏设备的租赁费用,直至更换或修理设备为止.


8. At the end of the Rental Term or its earlier termination, Client shall at its cost and expense, deliver and return the 设备 to PRG in good condition and repair, reasonable wear and tear excepted. PRG应在设备归还后的合理时间内通知客户任何损坏或损失. 客户应对设备在租赁期内造成的任何损坏负责.


9. 如果适用的话, 客户全权负责存储和清除任何和所有图像(以任何形式), or any other content or Client data (“Client Data”), prior to the return of the 设备. Upon return of the 设备, PRG may clean the 设备 of any Client Data, 然而,PRG没有义务保留或删除任何客户数据. PRG不对因客户或代表客户重新租用以前使用的设备而泄露的客户数据负责. PRG不对未记录的客户数据或由于任何原因导致的客户数据丢失负责, including but not limited to, technical malfunction, 物理伤害, or errors on the part of PRG employees, 代理, 代表, contractors or subcontractors.


10. 客户同意在租赁期内为设备投保. For purposes of this section, PRG Parties shall mean PRG, 它的父, 子公司, subsidiaries and each of their members, 经理, 董事, employees and 代理.
a)客户应投保以下保险:商业一般责任保险(或同等保险), completed operation and product liability, personal injury liability and advertising injury, 以1美元为限,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate, naming PRG Parties as an Additional Insured on a primary basis and waiver of subrogation in favor of PRG Parties; evidence of Workers Compensation insurance in statutory limits including Employers Liability with a limit of $500,000; and Property insurance on 设备, on an “all-risk” basis, including windstorm, 洪水 and 地震 perils, 运输途中损失, 金额不低于设备的全部重置价值(非租赁价值)(不扣除折旧),指定PRG方为损失收款人. If Client is picking up 设备 from a PRG location, Business Auto Liability insurance shall also be required, with a limit of not less than $500,每宗事故000 000美元.
(b)客户承认其全权负责支付任何所需保险的任何免赔额. PRG保留根据价值和活动类型增加这些限制的权利. 保护伞保单或超额责任保单可与主要保险限额一起使用,以满足最低要求的限额. 有效和符合规定的保险凭证,证明这些保险范围, 条款, deductibles amounts, 并且必须在任何设备或服务发布之前向PRG提交运输和非现场覆盖范围的说明. 如果有必要的话, PRG will provide a certificate of insurance, 如场地合理要求,以便PRG履行其服务.


11. (a) Except as otherwise set forth herein, 任一方不履行其在本协议项下的任何义务将被视为不可抗力, 在某种程度上,也只是在某种程度上,这种表现是不可能被火所实现的, 洪水, 地震, elements of nature or acts of God, 战争行为, 恐怖主义, 骚乱, 内乱, strike (other than of the nonperforming Party or its subcontractors), 政府行为, failure of suppliers, including supply chain and manufacturer issues, third party trucking and labor shortages (not caused by a Party), 或任何其他超出履约方合理控制范围而使其无法履行的类似原因, 提供服务或举办活动是不可取或不合法的, 不履约方继续尽商业上合理的努力,在任何可能的时间和范围内重新开始履约. In the event of a Force Majeure, Client shall reimburse PRG for its actual costs incurred, PRG同意采取商业上合理的努力来降低此类成本. (b)由于客户未提供与设备或服务相关的信息或未遵守本协议或不可抗力导致的延迟交付,PRG不承担责任.


12. No allowance will be made for unused 设备. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by PRG, 客户负责设备运输的所有费用,并确保设备妥善储存和运输.


13. 客户将负责为SOW中未包含的任何额外服务和设备支付额外费用. 客户将按照PRG当前的日费率支付逾期归还设备的费用. Client will incur cancellation fees in the event of any cancellation occurring within 10 days of the start of the Rental Term as follows: 4-10 days = 50% of Fee due; Under 3 days= 100% of Fee due. 如果在活动前10天以上因任何原因取消活动, Client shall pay PRG all actual costs incurred.


14. Unless specifically referenced in the SOW, pricing DOES NOT INCLUDE SALES OR USE TAXES, 或者运费. 所有的税收, 付, 如果适用的话, and freight charges, 如果有任何, will be paid for by Client in addition to the agreed upon price. 客户同意赔偿PRG因罚款和收款而产生的任何税款和费用.


15. Payment of all fees is due as set forth in the SOW or invoice. 客户将因逾期退货和设备损坏而承担额外费用. Unless otherwise agreed upon, payment 条款 are COD. PRG将对所有逾期付款收取法律允许的最高利率. If PRG commences a collection action, Client will be liable for all expenses incurred, 包括合理的外部律师费和托收费用.


16. If Client defaults on payment or otherwise breaches any other 条款, 或PRG有理由相信设备有被扣押的危险, 夺取或摧毁, 那么无论如何, PRG shall have the right to terminate this Agreement, 并立即重新占有该设备,并为此目的, PRG可进入设备所在的处所并将其移走, with or without force or notice, without being liable to the Client in any suit, action or other proceeding.


17. 即使在客户违反或违约后,PRG未能坚持严格遵守这些条款和条件,不应被解释为放弃PRG在本协议项下的任何权利.


18. Client agrees to defend, 保护PRG方免受任何和所有责任的损害, 索赔, 要求, 行动, 损失, damages and expenses (including, 但不限于, reasonable outside attorneys’ fees and costs) for personal injury, 设备或其他财产的死亡或财产损失(“损失”), in any way arising out of or resulting from any of the following: (1) the breach of any 条款 in this Agreement; or (2) Client’s use or possession of 设备; or (3) Client’s negligence or willful misconduct or (4) the transport or shipping of the 设备, if by or arranged by Client. For avoidance of doubt, 客户向PRG提供的赔偿包括人身伤害索赔的赔偿, 在设备所在的任何地点发生的内乱造成的死亡或财产损失, without regard to Client’s actual participation in the unrest. For purpose of this section Client includes its employees, 代理, contractors or 代表 and invitees, 并排除因PRG一方的重大过失或故意不当行为而造成损失的赔偿.


19. IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, 偶然的, 与设备租赁有关的间接或特殊损害,无论该方是否已被告知这种损害的可能性.


20. 除非经PRG书面同意,否则客户不得转让本协议.


21. 这些条款和条件应受加利福尼亚州法律管辖,地点和管辖权应完全归属于位于洛杉矶县的有管辖权的法院, CA. 双方同意就与本协议有关的任何事项在加利福尼亚州境内或境外接受送达. 在任何此类诉讼或诉讼中胜诉的一方有权获得诉讼费用和合理的外部律师费.


22. If one or more provisions of this Agreement, 或任何条款对任何一方或情况的适用被视为无效, unenforceable or illegal in any respect, 本协议的其余部分将继续有效并完全有效.


23. PRG明确拒绝客户提交的任何表格或其他文件, including PO 条款 and conditions. Any attempt to modify, 除非PRG以书面同意,否则补充或修改这些条款和条件将无效.


24. 本协议, 包括SOW, 本协议包含双方的全部谅解,除非双方以书面形式签署,否则不得修改. These 条款 and conditions shall be binding, 当(a)客户收到本协议的副本,且(b)客户接受任何设备或服务时,客户应被视为已接受本协议中包含的条款和条件.


BY ACCEPTING ANY EQUIPMENT, 发包人承认有责任在设备完好的情况下及时归还.
DUE TO SEVERE PRODUCT AND PART SHORTAGES, AND SHIPPING ISSUES, 网赌最好最大平台的经销商, 制造商和服务提供商正在经历长时间的延误. 此外,许多制造商经历了工厂和仓库关闭,这将影响交货日期.
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